What is meant for you will always be yours.

Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety concerns, Michel M. Antoine, LMHC is offering remote therapy at this time.

Individual Counseling

Individual Counseling involves me working with you directly. Together, in a collaborative process, we work together to identify your therapeutic goals and identify how to achieve them.

45-minute Individual Counseling rate: $185

Family Counseling

Let’s work together! Family counseling is about meeting the family where they are and building effective communication skills amongst one another. Let me be your guide, your objective point of view, to help facilitate communication and develop healthier and stronger bonds.

50-minute Family Counseling rate: $230

Public Speaking

Michel is passionate about educating individuals on a variety of topics. This includes mental health topics that vary from identifying emotions, reviewing coping skills, and the importance of self-expression. Michel also provides meditations in her sessions and during presentations.

Consultation Services

Do you have questions about therapy in general? Did you just graduate and are not sure about which direction to go in? Are you wanting to start your own private practice? This is the service for you!

Set up a 1-hour mentoring call to get your questions answered!

1-hour meeting: $75